BAKA Award for Product Innovations 2017
The renovation and renewal of existing buildings is becoming one of the most important tasks in Germany with future prospects for the entire construction industry.
All policy and economic experts agree that the modernisation volume will continue to rise across the country.
Reducing environmental impact and resource use demands innovative and forward-looking renovation and conversion concepts for creating value while preserving existing buildings.
The Innovation Award will be handed out at the international construction trade fair BAU 2017 in Munich under the patronage of the German Minister of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety ,
Dr. Barbara Hendricks.
Award presenters
BAKA Bundesverband Altbauerneuerung e.V.
Messe München GmbH
All exhibitors at BAU.
Each participant can submit up to two recommendations.
End of Registration 4 October 2016.
Offer of the Award
Documents required for participation
- Registration (EN)
- Documents (EN)
The document will be not sent by post.